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About Us

Click on the sections on the right to find out more about specific aspects of St Martin's

Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important steps that you will take as a parent or carer. At St Martin’s we aim to encourage a love of learning and to open doors for your child to experience a wide and engaging curriculum. We are in the business of ‘building people’ and so ‘the whole child’ is of importance to us. Inside every child there is enormous potential and we will be working with you to unlock that potential; to ensure that your child knows what success feels like and then uses the confidence that success brings to encourage them to tackle areas of difficulty. We will work in partnership with you to ensure that your child is the best that they can be.

Thank you for choosing St Martin’s Primary School. 

Christopher Tuckett                                                                                      Elen Shepherd and Kat Stranger

Headteacher                                                                                                  Co-Chairs of Governors


St Martin’s recently joined TAMAT, a small academy trust, which governors and senior leaders have been working to get to know over the past two years. 

Powell Corderoy, another local primary school, has also moved into this academy group.

We are excited about the opportunities presented by our recent academisation, for example through collaboration and development opportunities for staff and children alike.

What children learn - click on our curriculum section to find out more

We believe that children learn best when they are active learners and are learning through first-hand experiences. Our curriculum has been carefully developed using a theme based approach with opportunities for children to apply key numeracy and literacy skills across the curriculum. Every theme incorporates a WOW day to engage and excite children in their learning. 

In Science we build in opportunities for practical investigations and actively encourage children to question what they are doing.

We have tripled our Computing capacity in recent years and children regularly use chromebooks, to ensure that they have ample opportunity to develop skills that will equip them for our increasingly technological world.

Foundation Subjects – History, Geography, RE, RSHE, Music, Art and Design, Computing, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages and Design and Technology are linked to the theme where relevant in order to give context to the learning. We increasingly plan themed days where children have the opportunity to become steeped in a curriculum area, for example – Space Experience - Planetarium,  WWII Evacuee Workshop, Book Day, Super-Hero Day and Pirate Day!

We are proud of our Platinum Sports Award, which recognises that we deliver 2 hours Physical Education every week and that the children here enjoy a wide range of competition. Every child from year 3 upwards receives one hour each week of either German or French.

The school is committed to involving all children in the learning process by encouraging them to assess their own work and identify what their next steps in learning should be. More formal teacher led assessments are used to identify children who need extra support or extension.  

The school is well staffed to ensure that children’s individual needs are met, so that every child makes good progress. The school was also awarded a Silver Healthy Schools award in 2020.